Camp Details

Please make sure to read the following before attending camp as there is pertinent information included. 



Tolleson Park 3515 McCauley Rd, Smyrna, GA 30080

Faith Lutheran School
2111 Lower Roswell Road Marietta, GA 30068

Camp Dates

Soccer Camp

Nov. 4 9am -12:00 pm

@Faith Lutheran June 17,18,20, 21(no camp 6/19) & week of July 8th
9am – 4pm


The gymnasium will open promptly at 9:00am.  Participants will not be allowed into the gym in advance of that time.  All participants must be picked up no later than 4:15pm.



 Participants will be REQUIRED to have a parental guardian sign them in to camp each day and sign them back out at the end of the day.  For the safety of the children, we will ask that all parents show identification on the first day of camp.  Guardians will be able to notify Coach Terrence or/and staff if someone else will be bringing or picking up their son/daughter.  In these circumstances, we will need to see appropriate identification from the party picking up your son/daughter. 



 Participants will receive a water break/snack break in both the morning and afternoon.  Please make sure that your son/daughter brings a FULL water bottle with them to camp each day.  Please pack snacks for the morning and afternoon breaks as well. 



Campers will need the following DAILY (REQUIRED): 

1. Comfortable clothing including shorts, t-shirt or jersey, and playing shoes, guards

2. Lunch 

3. 2 Snacks


Please leave the following at home: 

1. Anything that can cause harm to another participant.  



 Participants will be broken up into groups based upon their age.  If you would like your son/daughter grouped with another participant that is their age and currently not grouped with, please let us know ASAP.


The mornings will be primarily used to focus on the fundamentals of basketball via stations and demonstrations.  The afternoons will be used for games and scrimmages.